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ULTIMATE Guide to Fix Xfinity Slow UPLOAD Speed [LATEST] 2020-7-24 · But “upload speed” also matters. Be it uploading files or conference Upload rate matters. As per a recent study, users always gets low upload speed while comparing to download speed. Consider the example of a businessman. He may need to upload a presentation or file immediately to Company. Upload speed - Shaw Support Amen. At VERY LEAST a 10/1 ratio. So 300 down/30 up. 600down/60 up. As quoted from Shaw "Most customers are using the internet at a 10:1 ratio of download vs upload traffic-- meaning that our customers' experiences are very rarely limited because of our upload speeds" Upload speeds are very slow – DreamHost Knowledge Base
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Solved: Extremely slow upload speed on Dropbox compared …
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Upload speed - Shaw Support