Netflix not working on your Samsung Smart TV? Here are
Nov 21, 2008 How to Troubleshoot Netflix Streaming Issues on Chromecast Apart from this, if you are using an Android device, the Netflix app should be version 2.4 or higher. For Apple devices, the version must be 4.2 or higher. Most people will be using far more recent versions of the Netflix app than that, though – and in many cases you’ll have to update the app so it will work on more recent systems such as Why doesn't my Apple HDMI iPhone adapter work? | The Tech Guy Jack bought the HDMI adapter for his iPhone to watch video on the TV and it doesn't work! What can he do? Leo says that he gets this complaint a lot and there may be an update in iOS that broke the connection. It could be copy protection. But you'd think that if Apple sells the item, they wouldn't break it with an update. Apple says to be sure the TV is set to the right HDMI Can't Use Apple TV/Netflix in Hotel Room. Why Not Jan 13, 2013
Netflix Won’t Stream on Apple TV: 5 Troubleshooting Tips
What to do if Netflix is not compatible with your iPad Aug 25, 2019 Netflix Not Working On iPad? Here's The Real Fix!
How to set up and watch Netflix on Apple TV | Finder
Oct 18, 2019 Netflix on TV stuck on "exit" please help!? | Yahoo Answers Aug 06, 2015 Common Netflix Problems And How To Fix Them | Technobezz Netflix connection problems. Netflix connection problem is faced by many users which might be …