Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the Client. Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter. Solution. As it turns out this is a known problem with Windows 8, and there is a work-around.
Troubleshooting Cisco VPN Client Windows 7 - How To Fix Windows 8 32bit & 64bit users dealing with the same problem can refer to our Cisco VPN Client & Windows 8 (32bit & 64Bit) - Reason 442: Failed To Enable Virtual Adaptor - How To Fix It article. Windows 10 32bit & 64bit can read our article Install & Fix Cisco VPN Client on Windows 10 (32 & 64 Bit). Fix Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter. Reason 440: Driver Failure. - Cisco Community Feb 14, 2006 Cisco VPN Client Not Connect- Reason 442: Failed to enable Jan 15, 2018
Jan 05, 2018 · Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the Client. Reason 412: The remote peer is no longer responding. Windows 10 Pro, x64 upgraded from Windows 7 Pro, x64. Cisco VPN Client v. for x64. Sonic VPN Client for x64 is installed. CVirtA entry in registry is corrected. Before upgrade to Win 10 I deinstall Cisco client and run winfix.
The VPN worked for a few days. Now, it doesn’t work (it may be some configurations changed). Whenever the VPN client (v3.6) tries to access the VPN, it displays the login screen. After entering the username and password, you will receive “Secure VPN connection terminated locally. Reason 413: user authentication failed”. Any suggestions? Knowledge Base - VPN and Remote Desktop (RDP) Install the VPN Client (Cisco AnyConnect Security Mobility Client) Remote Desktop (RDP) from iPad - if already on the internal TWU network Establish a VPN connection on the … Hyper-V, WiFi, and Cisco VPN – Catapult Systems
Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the client
After the upgrade, if I try to use the Cisco VPN client to connect to a network, I get this message: Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the Client. Reason 440: Driver Failure. Prior to the upgrade, I was able to connect with no problems. The version of the client I am using is Users unable to connect to the VPN using the Cisco VPN Client on a Windows 8 System They get the following error: Secure VPN Conenction terminated locally by the Client. Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adaptor. Connection Terminated on: Duration: 0 day(s), 00:00.00 Secure VPN connection terminated locally by the client. Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual adapter. This client works fine in Windows 7, so am I missing something? Found the fix for this, and it is down to a registry entry: Navigate to HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVirta. Change the Display name to: Cisco Systems VPN Adapter. Works Mar 20, 2019 · Cisco VPN client fails on Windows 7 with the following error: Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the client Reason 442: Failed to enable virtual adapter This is usually because Windows 7 and Vista reports a duplicate IP address detected. Subsequent connections fail with the same message, but the OS does not report the duplicate IP. Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the client. Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter . Normally if this happens on Windows 7 computer that would be probably because the Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service was on. But in this case on Windows 8, the ICS was disabled. So basically, this version of Cisco VPN Client is not Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the Client. Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter. Solution. As it turns out this is a known problem with Windows 8, and there is a work-around.